k = 0 ; while ( k < 97 ) { cout << "*" ; k ++ ; }
2. Given an int variable n that has already been declared and initialized to a positive value, and another int variable j that has already been declared, use a while loop to print a single line consisting of n asterisks. Thus if n contains 5, five asterisks will be printed. Use no variables other than n and j . Instructor's notes: Try solving this both with and without using the variable j.
j = 0 ; while ( j < n ) { cout << "*" ; j ++ ; }
3. Given int variables k and total that have already been declared, use a while loop to compute the sum of the squares of the first 50 counting numbers, and store this value in total . Thus your code should put 1*1 + 2*2 + 3*3 +... + 49*49 + 50*50 into total . Use no variables other than k and total .
total = 0 ; k = 1 ; while ( k <= 50 ) { total += k * k ; k ++ ; }
4. Given an int variable n that has been initialized to a positive value and, in addition, int variables k and total that have already been declared, use a while loop to compute the sum of the cubes of the first n counting numbers, and store this value in total . Thus if n equals 4, your code should put 1*1*1 + 2*2*2 + 3*3*3 + 4*4*4 into total . Use no variables other than n , k , and total . Do NOT modify n .
total = 0 ; k = 1 ; while ( k <= n ) { total += k * k * k ; k ++ ; }
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